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02/02 - tcp/ip network programming - client src

by 곰네Zip 2009. 2. 2.

void CTCPEchoClientDlg::OnButtonConnectServer()
 // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
 //create socket and connect
 CString tmp = _T("");

 //create socket
 g_hSocket = ::socket(PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0);

 if( g_hSocket == INVALID_SOCKET){
  tmp.Format(_T("Fail to create socket"),::WSAGetLastError());

 //create socket information (bind)

 SockAddr.sin_family    = AF_INET;
 SockAddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = inet_addr(U_HOSTADDR);
 SockAddr.sin_port    = ::htons(U_CONNPORT);

 //connect to server
 if(::connect(g_hSocket,(SOCKADDR*)&SockAddr, sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN))!=0){
  tmp.Format(_T("Fail to connect server. [Error Code: %d]"),::WSAGetLastError());

  g_hSocket = NULL;

 AfxMessageBox(_T("Connect Server."));



void CTCPEchoClientDlg::OnButtonSend()
 // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
 if(g_hSocket == NULL){
  AfxMessageBox(_T("Not Connected Server."));

 CString tmp = _T("");
 char szBufferSend[U_BUFSIZE], szBufferRecv[U_BUFSIZE];

 sprintf(szBufferSend, _T("%s"), _T("Test String"));
 int nLength = lstrlen(szBufferSend);

 //sending string
 if(nLength != ::send(g_hSocket,szBufferSend, nLength, 0)){
  tmp.Format(_T("Fail to sending test string. [Error Code: %d]"),::WSAGetLastError());


 //print recieve test message from server
 ::recv(g_hSocket, szBufferRecv, U_BUFSIZE, 0);

void CTCPEchoClientDlg::OnButtonDisconnect()
 // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
 // disconnect and close socket
 if( g_hSocket == NULL){
  AfxMessageBox(_T("not connected server."));



 AfxMessageBox(_T("Terminate connection on server."));
 g_hSocket = NULL;

